Monday, March 7, 2011

Sporting Days Recap

Well our little girl is growing up...Hope did her first novice yesterday and while her dressage work needs a 1,000 more transitions, like her brothers and mother the girl knows how to jump.

In show jumping she cantered sweetly around like a show horse and had a couple of rails when she became distracted by things outside of the ring, not to worry nothing that more mileage can't help!

On cross country she was galloping around so well and I was thinking to myself how much fun Neal is going to have on her that I did not ride very strongly down to the ditch and she just spooked at the painted rails...oops!

She still was great and jumped in a lovely rhythm and so I am thrilled with her...

It sometimes is easy to forget that 7 weeks ago she had never been off the farm, never been in water or jumped a show jump course or even a cross country fence....!

This weekend we have Full Gallop with Connie and Cedilah Dancer two sale horses and Tag and Hope will go again as well.

Then we head home and although the weather has been lovely and the horses have been going well, I miss home and Neal....

Talk later, and hope to see you soon,

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